“…Antecedents (1) CQ (1) Relationship between international exposure, languages, orientations, sex, age, and education with BCIQ (Alon, Boulanger, Elston, Galanaki, de Ibarreta, Meyers et al, 2018) Learning (1) CQ (1) Experiential cross-cultural training and CQ (Alexandra, 2018) See also: Xu and Chen, 2017 (2) CC (1) Examine the mediating role of CC in the relationship between personality and cultural adjustment (Wu and Bodigerel-Koehler, 2013) Examine the relationship between CQ and transformational leadership (Ramsey et al, 2017) Examine the relationship between metacognitive and motivational CQ with cultural learning and job creativity of expatriates (Xu and Chen, 2017; see learning) * Group-level Outcome (2) CQ (2) Examine the moderating role of motivational CQ in the relationship between psychic distance and team performance (Magnusson et al, 2014) Examine the interaction effect between cognitive and metacognitive CQ on an individual's creativity in multicultural teams (Chua and Ng, 2017) CQ and international exposure (2D: 9) Concept, stages, measurement (1) CQ (1) Assessment of the cross-cultural equivalence of the four-dimensional 20-item CQ scale and the two-dimensional 12-item CQ short scale (Bücker et al, 2016) See also: Schreuders-van den Bergh and Du Plessis, 2016;Varela and Gatlin-Watts, 2014 Antecedents (4) CQ (4) Examine the relationship between cultural beliefs and CQ in international sojourns (Chao et al, 2017) Examine the relationship between international sojourns and CQ (Varela and Gatlin-Watts, 2014; see conceptualisation) * Examine the relationship between cross-cultural trigger events and CQ with a discussion of the implications for training (Reichard et al, 2015; see learning) * Examine the relationship between individual motives and CQ in study abroad programs and the mediating role of cultural boundary spanning (Holtbrügge and Engelhard, 2016) See also: Remhof et al, 2013 Learning See also:…”