Three enzyme reactions related to asparagine synthesis
were studied in rat tissues : formation of aspartylhydroxamate,
either from aspartate or by transfer from asparagine, and
actual synthesis of asparagine from aspartate. Actual asparagine
synthesis occurred at one-thousandth the rate of the other two
Optimal conditions for quantitative assay of asparagine synthesis
were determined in fetal liver extract, which is a rich source
of the enzyme. Demonstrable activity in liver fell 6 days after birth to 20% of the fetal
value and decreased slowly thereafter to the low adult value. Adult pancreas was the most
active tissue found.
The asparagine synthetase of fetal liver extracts was significantly inhibited when combined
with adult liver or tumor extracts. The inhibitor fractionated with ammonium
sulfate in close association with the asparagine synthetase. Therefore, demonstrable activities
of asparagine synthetase in tissue extracts, measured in the presence of this inhibitor,
do not necessarily parallel the concentrations of the enzyme present.