The dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG) was the first oligonucleotide to be crystallized as a B-DNA duplex. Its structure was analyzed in detail in the early 1980s. Here we show that, in the presence of Ca 2؉ , it crystallizes in a different way (R3 space group). The dodecamers form parallel columns of straight duplexes with ten base pairs in the B form. The terminal cytosines in each molecule are disordered, whereas the terminal guanines are placed in the minor groove of neighbor duplexes. The central GAATTC region is practically identical to that found in the classic structure of the same dodecamer crystallized in the P2 1 2 1 2 1 space group in the presence of Mg 2؉ and spermine. Its structure is thus independent of the crystallization conditions which have been used.The first detailed structure of a DNA oligonucleotide in the B-form determined by single crystal x-ray diffraction methods was published in this journal in 1982 (1). The structure of a bromine derivative was compared with that previously determined (2, 3) for the native dodecamer at different temperatures. Its features were analyzed in detail in several other publications (4 -7). Many other derivatives from the same oligonucleotide and related sequences, alone and in association with drugs, have also been studied. Coordinates and references may be found in the Nucleic Acid Database (8). Most of them are in practically identical unit cells in the P2 1 2 1 2 1 space group. The original work (1-3) was a landmark in the study of DNA because it confirmed unequivocally the double helical structure of B-form DNA and, at the same time, showed many features of conformation as a function of sequence. More recently, the same dodecamer has been crystallized under various ionic conditions (9 -13). A high resolution (1.4 Å) was obtained (9) in the presence of Na ϩ /Mg 2ϩ /spermine, giving a structure essentially similar to those first reported by Dickerson and co-workers (1-3). Given the higher resolution of that structure (9), we used it for comparison with our results.Most of the work described in the previous paragraph was carried out with crystals obtained in the presence of Mg 2ϩ and spermine. Recently we discovered (14) that, in the presence of a high concentration of Ca 2ϩ ion, this oligonucleotide could crystallize in the R3 space group. Here we report the results we have obtained under the latter crystallization conditions at a higher resolution than that previously reported (14). Our results show that the central sequence GAATTC is practically identical in both cases, whereas the conformation of the terminal CGC/GCG sequences is much more variable because of the interaction with neighbor molecules in the crystal.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESCrystallization-The crystal was grown by the vapor diffusion hanging drop method. The crystallization solution contained 0.4 mM dodecamer (NH 4 ϩ salt), 300 mM CaCl 2 , 10% MPD (2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol), and 20 mM cacodylic acid (pH 7.0). The concentration of monovalent cations (Na ϩ from the buffer and NH 4 ϩ from the dodecame...