The Smoluchowski-Debye-Stokes-Einstein equation for the rate constant kz of a bimolecular reaction between charged or polar species was used to evaluate effects of bulk solvent properties on reaction rates of solvated electrons with NOT,,, H: , TI:, Cu:' , and AI:' in 2-butanol/water mixed solvents. To explain detailed effects it was necessary to consider more specific behavior of the solvent. Rate constants k 2 , activation energies E2, and pre-exponential factors Az of these reactions vary with the composition of 2-butanol/water mixtures. The values of E2 were in general similar to activation energies of ionic conductance EAo of the solutions, except for much higher values of E2 of (e; + NOT,,) in alcohol-rich solvents and of (e; + ~1:') in pure water solvent.The solvent apparently participates chemically in the NOT, reaction, and the ~1:' reaction is multistep. Rate constant and conductance measurements of thallium acetate solutions in 2-butanol containing zero and 10 mol% water were complicated by the formation of ion clusters larger than pairs.