We used stable-isotope analysis (SIA) to evaluate trophc relationships in an Antarctic seabird community. We deterrnined natural abundances of stable-nitrogen (St5N) and stable-carbon (613C) isotopes from blood samples (n = 283) from adults and chicks of 4 Antarctic fulrnarine petrel species (Fulmarus glaciaioides, Thalassoica antarctica, Daption capense and Pagodroma nivea) during 2 consecutive breeding seasons, 1994/1995 and 1995/1996, and from representative prey items. Our objectives were to use the isotope approach to infer trophic Status and diet composition within and between species, addressing interspecific and temporal variability within this seabird community, and to investigate potential age-related differences in assumed trophic position within species. Prey 613C values ranged from -26.8% in amphipods to -23.9% in adult Antarctic silverfish. Seabird St3C values ranged from -25.3 Yw in Antarctic petrel chicks to -23.8760 in Cape petrel adults. Prey 6I5N values ranged from 4.0Yw in euphausiids to 10.7Yw in adult Antarctic silverfish. Seabird 615N values ranged from 8 . 4 7~ in Antarctic petrel adults to 12.0%0 in Snow petrel chicks. There was considerable interspecific overlap in assumed trophic positions amongst the 4 petrel species, and we conclude aii species consumed fish and krill. Despite this apparent overlap, the range in 615N values for petrels corresponded to the equivalent of 1 full trophic level, and estimated trophic level varied with both species and age. A simple trophic level model, constructed based on the 615N data, predicted trophic levels ranging from 2.3 in krill to 4.7 in Snow petrel chicks. Snow petrels and Antarctic fulrnars tended to have higher 615N values than Antarctic and Cape petrels, suggesting a higher proportion of fish in their diets. Petrel chicks consistently had higher 615N values than adults, which suggests trophic segregation between adults and chcks. We discuss advantages of selectively provisioning chcks with higher trophic level prey. Extensive overlap and a relatively narrow range of 615N values are consistent with a food web comprised of few trophic steps.