Identifying the spectrum of the sum of two given Hermitian matrices with fixed eigenvalues is the famous Horn's problem. In this note, we investigate a variant of Horn's problem, i.e., we identify the probability density function (abbr. pdf) of the diagonals of the sum of two random Hermitian matrices with given spectra. We then use it to re-derive the pdf of the eigenvalues of the sum of two random Hermitian matrices with given eigenvalues via derivative principle, a powerful tool used to get the exact probability distribution by reducing to the corresponding distribution of diagonal entries. We can recover Jean-Bernard Zuber's recent results on the pdf of the eigenvalues of two random Hermitian matrices with given eigenvalues. Moreover, as an illustration, we derive the analytical expressions of eigenvalues of the sum of two random Hermitian matrices from GUE(n) or Wishart ensemble by derivative principle, respectively. We also investigate the statistics of exponential of random matrices and connect them with Golden-Thompson inequality, and partly answer a question proposed by Forrester. Some potential applications in quantum information theory, such as uniform average quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence and average coherence of uniform mixture of two orbits, are discussed.Mathematics Subject Classification. 22E70, 81Q10, 46L30, 15A90, 81R05 n ) satisfying the following constraint:This problem has an affirmative answer [4], in terms of linear inequalities which are now calledHorn's inequalities. The solutions form a convex polytope whose describing inequalities have been conjectured by Horn in 1962 [8]. Note that the convex polytope for the solution of Horn's problem is, in general, nontrivial. Hence each point in this convex polytope corresponds to a possible eigenvalue vector for the sum, except the trivial cases (for example, when one of the matrices is scalar).Although Horn's problem is apparently an elementary problem (a complete answer to Horn's problem takes almost a century), it turns out to be connected with many areas of mathematics:linear algebra of course [11], but also combinatorics, algebraic geometry [11], symplectic geometry, and even probability theory, etc. For instance, Alekseev et. al give a symplectic proof of the Horn inequalities on eigenvalues of a sum of two Hermitian matrices with given spectra [1], and Zuber investigate the probability distribution over the Horn's polytope [18]. Besides, some researchers give a description of the Duistermaat-Heckman measure on the Horn polytope. Mathematical speaking, the eigenvalue distributions involved are so-called Duistermaat-Heckman measures [5], which are defined using the push-forward of the Liouville measure on a symplectic manifold along the moment map. We follow the notations along the paper [5], consider the problem of describing the sum of two coadjoint orbits O a + O b , where K acts on O a × O b diagonally with moment map (A, B) → A + B and we have [5]: Let a ∈ t * >0 and bis the length of the Weyl group element w; and DH is the Duisterma...