This research used a model experimental system to explore the joint effects of resource fragmentation and resource deterioration on population dynamics. The system provides a rapid test of conservation theory and can aid in planning for large and expensive studies. The investigation subjected the sawtooth grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), to five experiments in which population abundance was monitored over time. Metapopulations were created by connecting adjacent vials of flour with rubber tubes. The metapopulations were arranged in rings, and food was replenished at two‐week intervals. The experiments examined populations in (1) habitats becoming increasingly fragmented, (2) dynamically fragmenting structure with concurrent loss of resources over time, (3) static structure, dynamic resource loss and differing numbers of patches, (4) static structural arrangements with dynamic resource loss that mimic resource deterioration and destruction, and (5) static arrangements of connected fragments with an equal total amount of food in a few large patches or several small patches. Time series of stage‐specific abundances were compared in repeated‐measures ANOVA. The results show that populations respond in nonlinear ways to both the amount of food and area provided. Within a confined area, when food is plentiful, individual interaction limits population abundance. When the amount of food is reduced, population abundance becomes food dependent. Immediate increase in immature abundance was a characteristic of fragmentation while a delayed reduction of adults was characteristic of food reduction. The stage‐specific interaction at intermediate food levels shows birth and death processes that control this system, and elucidates the relationship between area and food that is integral to the dynamics of patchy populations.