Keywords: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; surface analysis; near-surface analysis; non-destructive depth profiling; maximum entropy; stratification; IUVSTA workshop; XPS; ARXPS; hard X-ray photoemission Introduction X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is an established technique for the analysis of homogeneous surfaces. [1] Surfaces that are laterally inhomogeneous are analyzed ideally using other instruments that would be capable of measuring such lateral inhomogeneities. Changes in concentration with depth from the surface pose other challenges in determining the depth distribution of elements or the depth profile. For regions greater than 10 nm in depth from the surface, sputter depth profiling with an inert gas is the most commonly used method. This removes layers by sputtering, exposing new surfaces that are measured sequentially. Some problems with sputter depth profiling are (i) preferential sputtering of one element compared with another, (ii) sputterinduced changes in chemistry of compounds, (iii) intermixing between layers, (iv) changes in electrical charging when sputtering non-conducting materials and (v) roughening of the surface due to sputtering. Other techniques such as Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry or backside Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy are also often used for depth profiling, but in general, they suffer from poor depth resolution and chemical specificity. However, the near-surface region is often of particular interest, and this region poses its own challenges for determining its depth distribution of elements. It is this region where Angle-Resolved * Correspondence to: A. Queretaro 76000,
841Report on ARXPS Workshop Fig. 1). Experts from the major equipment manufacturers were also invited to participate. The experts who attended the workshop came from 23 countries, all of which were member countries of IUVSTA, throughout Asia, Europe and North America.The goals of the workshop were to review and discuss the present limits of ARXPS, to discuss ways of acquiring and analyzing ARXPS data, to discuss the applications of ARXPS and to consider future developments in ARXPS. The scientific program of the workshop was arranged by A. Herrera-Gomez, J.T. Grant, P. Cumpson and M. Jenko. Registration, accommodation, meals and transportation were arranged by the Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnología de Superficies y Materiales. The Local Committee was formed by Martín Yáñez-Limón (CINVESTAV-Querétaro), Wilfrido Calleja (INAOE-Puebla), Juan Luis Peña (CINVESTAV-Merida), with Diana Garcia Sotelo being the Workshop Secretary.Most of the workshop program was based on 1-h presentations followed by 20-min discussion. There were 21 invited reviews of specific topics and additional presentations by experts from the equipment manufacturers on their approaches for ARXPS. There were evening poster sessions where research areas using ARXPS were discussed at length. The workshop ran from 9 : 00 a.m. on Monday through 10 : 00 p.m. on Friday. There were ...