Supercapacitor is a type of energy storage with higher capacitance value compared to the normal capacitor. But it has lower voltage level compared to normal capacitor. However, it can be charged with high current and provide higher current to the load when needed when compared to the same size energy storage such as battery. The Three Branch Equivalent Circuit is one of the simple yet accurate model that has been proposed. The parameter of the Three Branch model included the capacitance, resistance and a unit of voltage dependent capacitance. The Parameter needed to be calculated accurately as it depends heavily on the terminal voltage of the supercapacitor at respective time which obtained through a charging and self-discharging experiment under constant current charging. The different constant charging current give effect toward the parameter calculation as it manipulates the rate of charging and self-discharging. This paper will calculate the parameter of supercapacitor based on the Three Branch model under different constant charging current and compared the result using the simulation to show the accuracy of the model. The parameter obtained throughout the study shows a high accuracy especially the parameters obtained using higher charging current.