(1) Background: Early research in natural forests on decennia implanted conviction concerning the patchy patterns of their structural heterogeneity. Due to the variety of methodological approaches applied, verification of this fundamental assumption remains open. The aim of this study was to discuss the methodological limitations associated with the use of moving windows with overlap for the delineation of homogeneous patch mosaics in forest ecosystems. (2) Methods: The “patchiness” hypothesis was tested in six old-growth forests formed by Abies alba Mill., Fagus sylvatica L., and Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. localized in Bosnia and Herzegovina and southern Poland. In each stand, the tree diameter at breast height (dbh) was recorded on circular sample plots of 154 m2 regularly distributed in a 20 × 20 m lattice over an area of 10 ha. (3) Results: Computer simulations showed that patch classification based on overlapping windows results in apparent patchiness, even for completely randomized tree distributions. Analyses carried out on the empirical data indicated prevalent random patterns of structural heterogeneity. (4) Conclusions: Patchiness is not a universal feature of the investigated forest communities. The size of the moving window and the noise-smoothing procedure exert strong effects on the biasedness of patch classification, the frequency of structural types, and the mean patch size.