The thermodynamic dissociation constants (pX") of m-nltroanlllnlum Ion (mNAH+) In water-acetonitrile (AN) and water-dimethylformamlde (DMF) mixtures and of p -nltroanlllnlum Ion (pNAH+) In water-DMF mixtures have been determined by a spectrophotometrlc method a 30 °C In various solvent compositions. While the pXa of mNAH+ Ion In water-AN mixtures passed through a minimum at 60 wt % AN, that of mNAH+ and pNAH+ Ions In water-DMF mixtures passed through a minimum at 80 wt % DMF. The solvent effect on the dissociation equilibria has been discussed, along with the available pXa data on pNAH+ In water-AN mixtures, In terms of the variation of transfer free energies of the various species Involved In the equilibria.