This paper presents a method of extracting three-dimensional kinetic energy distributions from retarding potential curves, suitable for analysing low kinetic energy releases. Trajectory calculations were performed which led to an analytical function correcting for the influence of discrimination against ions with velocity components perpendicular to the retarding field direction. The analysis of the thermal kinetic energy distribution of molecular vinyl bromide ions confirms the computed correcting factor. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 29 September 1998; Revised 22 November 1998; Accepted 27 November 1998 When an ionised molecule breaks up, part of its internal energy is converted into translational energy of the fragments. The kinetic energy release distribution (KERD) during the fragmentation process contains valuable information about the reaction dynamics, and provides us with a test for the validity of the statistical theories of mass spectra.
1Retarding field analysers (RFAs) have been used by several groups 2-5 to analyse dissociations characterised by relatively high kinetic energy releases (KERs), i.e. of the order of 1 eV. Their main advantages are simplicity and compactness. However, the analysis of low KERs (comparable to kT) is not straightforward because of severe discriminating effects which depend on the value of the kinetic energy of ions.Kinetic energy spectra are measured in the laboratory framework. Differentiating a retarding potential curve leads to a one-dimensional kinetic energy distribution (KED) corresponding to the particular direction of the field, distorted by discrimination effects.In this paper we propose and discuss, based on ion trajectory simulations, a procedure to extract from raw retarding field data, three-dimensional KEDs which are free from discrimination effects.
EXPERIMENTALThe experimental setup was designed for photoion-photoelectron coincidence measurements at fixed wavelength and is described in more detail elsewhere.6 It consists of a Lindau-type electron analyser and of an ion analyser based on a quadrupole mass spectrometer. It is also possible to run experiments in a simple retarding analyser mode. We will describe here only the most relevant features concerning the kinetic energy analysis. The ionisation chamber (IC) and the ion optics are shown schematically in Fig. 1. The effusive gas sample is ionised by photons produced from a He(I) discharge lamp, along a direction perpendicular to the figure plane. The photoion source is shielded by a mu-metal cylinder in order to avoid magnetic fields.In our particular scheme the ions are retarded within the chamber by scanning the voltage of the EXE lens, while the potentials of the IC and of the EXI extractor are maintained constant. The L 1 ,L 2 and the L 3 ,L 4 lenses form two triplets, while F is a focusing lens.The C 2 H 3 Br sample gas (98% inhibited with 200 ppm