We have studied the dissociative recombination of the first three vibrational levels of O 2 ϩ in its electronic ground X 2 ⌸ g state. Absolute rate coefficients, cross sections, quantum yields and branching fractions have been determined in a merged-beam experiment in the heavy-ion storage ring, CRYRING, employing fragment imaging for the reaction dynamics. We present the absolute total rate coefficients as function of collision energies up to 0.4 eV for five different vibrational populations of the ion beam, as well as the partial ͑vibrationally resolved͒ rate coefficients and the branching fractions near 0 eV collision energy for the vibrational levels vϭ0, 1, and 2. The vibrational populations used were produced in a modified electron impact ion source, which has been calibrated using Cs-O 2 ϩ dissociative charge transfer reactions. The measurements indicate that at low collision energies, the total rate coefficient is weakly dependent on the vibrational excitation. The calculated thermal rate coefficient at 300 K decreases upon vibrational excitation. The partial rate coefficients as well as the partial branching fractions are found to be strongly dependent on the vibrational level. The partial rate coefficient is the fastest for vϭ0 and goes down by a factor of two or more for vϭ1 and 2. The O( 1 S) quantum yield, linked to the green airglow, increases strongly upon increasing vibrational level. The effects of the dissociative recombination reactions and super elastic collisions on the vibrational populations are discussed.