Unusual clinical course Background:The incidence of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) has increased in recent years. They can affect every area of the human body that presents cells with a secretory function. In this report, we focus on gastrointestinal NETs. The small bowel (SI) is the most affected area and SI-NETs have recently become more common than adenocarcinomas. Inside the small intestine, the appendix suffers from this pathology more than other organs. Case Report:Our case report deals with a 70 years-old man with extensive abdominal pain due to ingestion of an apricot kernel. A CT abdominal scan showed, around the kernel, a mechanical ileus with inflammation of the distal ileum and thickening of the intestinal wall. During the operation, we replaced laparoscopy with mini-laparotomy, performing an ileocecectomy due to suspicion of a tumor lesion. The histopathological exam revealed a welldifferentiated neuroendocrine tumor (NET G1) of the distal ileum.
Conclusions:This case report shows that SI-NETs can be found in cases of small bowel occlusion. Depending on the size and distinction, such patients can have good survival rates.