Light-induced spin-polarized radical pairs, P700'A-j in spinach photosystem (PS) I particles and P680'Qp in Zn-substituted PS II core complexes, in oriented membranes were studied by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Based on the determined distance of 25.2 ± 0.2 A between P700 and A" the angular dependence of the spin-polarized electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectra on the magnetic field suggests that the angle between RPlop_A , the radiusvector connecting P700 and A" and the membrane normal n was 24 ± 4° in PS I particles. Obtained angle and distance of P700-A, axis suggested Q K side in the molecular geometry of cofactors presented in a recent X-ray crystallography of cyanobacterial PS I reaction center to be an active branch of electron transfer. The distance between P680 and Q A was determined to be 27.4 ± 0.3 A for a nonoriented PS II. The angle between RP680_Qp, the radius-vector connecting P680 and Q A , and n was determined to be 21 ± 5°. The angle of P680-QA axis was close to that of 20° of P870-QA axis reported in X-ray analysis of the purple bacterial reaction center crystal.