The distinguishing number (index) D(G) (D ′ (G)) of a graph G is the least integer d such that G has an vertex labeling (edge labeling) with d labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. The co-normal product G ⋆ H of two graphs G and H is the graph with vertex set V (G) × V (H) and edge set {{(x 1 , x 2 ), (y 1 , y 2 )}|x 1 y 1 ∈ E(G) or x 2 y 2 ∈ E(H)}. In this paper we study the distinguishing number and the distinguishing index of the co-normal product of two graphs. We prove that for every k ≥ 3, the k-th co-normal power of a connected graph G with no false twin vertex and no dominating vertex, has the distinguishing number and the distinguishing index equal two.