A theoretical model is introduced for constructing the vibrational Hamiltonian of Hydrogenlike atoms (HLA). The Hamiltonian is then used to derive the vibrational motion equations of HLA in Heisenberg picture. The Langevin equation will ultimately be formed after adding the dissipative term and fluctuating (Langevin) force according to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT). The positional noise flux is then defined as the correlation function of fluctuations that happens for the electron position during its rather fast vibrational oscillations ( Hz vib 15 10 ). On the other hand, the positional fluctuations led to the fluctuations in the potential and kinetic energies of oscillating electron so that the appearance of the potential and kinetic noise fluxes is vulnerable. The positional, potential, and kinetic noise fluxes of oscillating electron will be determined by solving the Langevin equation in frequency domain.It is finally demonstrated that the potential and kinetic noise fluxes commonly act as an internal source for producing the external noise flux emitted from HLA in the form of spontaneous emission with a Lorentzian profile. In contrast with all previous procedures, no ambient effect has been involved to describe the forming mechanism of spontaneous emission for the first time.