Gap dynamics theory proposes that treefall gaps provide high light levels needed for regeneration in the understory, and by increasing heterogeneity in the light environment allow light‐demanding tree species to persist in the community. Recent studies have demonstrated age‐related declines in leaf area index of individual temperate trees, highlighting a mechanism for gradual changes in the forest canopy that may also be an important, but less obvious, driver of forest dynamics. We assessed the prevalence of age‐related crown thinning among 12 tropical canopy tree species sampled in lowland forests in Panama and Puerto Rico (total N = 881). Canopy gap fraction of individual canopy tree crowns was positively related to stem diameter at 1.3 m (diameter at breast height) in a pooled analysis, with 10 of 12 species showing a positive trend. Considered individually, a positive correlation between stem diameter and canopy gap fraction was statistically significant in 4 of 12 species, all of which were large‐statured canopy to emergent species: Beilschmiedia pendula, Ceiba pentandra, Jacaranda copaia, and Prioria copaifera. Pooled analyses also showed a negative relationship between liana abundance and canopy gap fraction, suggesting that lianas could be partially obscuring age‐related crown thinning. We conclude that age‐related crown thinning occurs in tropical forests, and could thus influence patterns of tree regeneration and tropical forest community dynamics.