The Bell River Complex (BRC) is a mafic layered complex located 30 kilometers southeast of Matagami in northern Abitibi. The complex is divided into three parts: The East, the Central and the West. The Central part of the intrusion contains the Platinum Group Elements (PGE) occurrences Bwest, Dotcom and Ebay. This project is focused on the Ebay claim (property of Hinterland Metals Inc.) which is centered on the Elizabeth Bay and Opaoca River. The BRC around Ebay consists of layers of leucocratic and melanocratic metagabbros that are folded with an orientation that is predominantly E-W and dipping south 70-80 degrees. The leucocratic layers consist of a sequence of meta-leucogabbronorites, metaleucogabbros, meta-leucotroctolites and meta-anorthosites. The melanocratic layers consist of a sequence of meta-melanogabbros, meta-olivine-gabbronorites, meta-gabbronorites and meta-pyroxenites. The layered mafic complex is crosscut by sills, dykes and quartz veins associated with the Opaoca and Olga granitic plutons. The BRC is visibly and polymetamorphosed with regional metamorphism reaching greenschist to amphibolite faciès (Goutier, 2005) and contact VII My no-REDIST friends who I had not mention before, they motivated me to stand winter, some of them are Luis, Karla, Memo, Jacobo, Audrey, Juanito, Anita, Juan Cynthia and Jeannette, muchas gracias. Sandra, she gave me a new smile and has contributed with her love, support and affection. My family, they have built the person I have become, they always know how to overcome from the difficulties. Without them this could not be possible. A mi papa, mama y hermanos, muchas gracias por toda la ayuda que me han brindado, por aguantarme y por darme la posibilidad de estudiar, el esfuerzo de esta maestria también es de ustedes. Los Ilevo en el corazôn a cualquier lugar y en todo momento.