An investigation was carried out on the macrobenthos of Montedoglio Reservoir, an artificial lake in central Italy . Seven qualitative and quantitative samplings, performed by drag netting and airlifting at 5 stations, revealed a total of 48 taxa during 1992-94 . The highest density and most frequent terms were Tubificidae, Chironomidae of the genera Procladius, Tanypus, Chironomus and Polypedilium and Chaoboridae . Tubificidae were found mainly at a depth of 7-9 m, Chironomidae at 1-3 m . The modest density and low biological diversity values are probably attributable to the substrate characteristics and a drop in hypolymnic oxygen during thermic stratification . The oxygen stress at the lake bed, which was unexpected given the scarce planktonic productivity, may have been caused by recent impoundment .