Abstract. The goal of the works on which this talk is based is to relate a direct detection signal with neutrino limits from the Sun independently of the astrophysics. In order to achieve this we derive a halo-independent lower bound on the dark matter capture rate in the Sun from a direct detection signal, with which one can set upper limits on the branching ratios into different channels from the absence of a high-energy neutrino flux in neutrino observatories. We also extend this bound to the case of inelastic scattering, both endothermic and exothermic.From two inelastic signals we show how the dark matter mass, the mass difference of the states and the couplings to neutrons and protons can be obtained. Furthermore, one can also pin down the exothermic/endothermic nature of the scattering, and therefore a precise lower bound on the solar capture rate is predicted. We also discuss isospin violation and uncertainties due to form factors.
Motivation: a new halo-independent frameworkIt is well-known that dark matter (DM) direct detection (DD) signals are very sensitive to the astrophysical uncertainties of the halo, which makes their compatibility with other results astrophysics-dependent. This talk is devoted to a new halo-independent (HI) framework to compare DD signals with upper limits from neutrino telescopes [1,2].Let us first review the basic expressions for DM DD and the well-known HI framework used for comparing among DD signals. For SI interactions, the DM event rate in underground detectors can be written as [3]where f det (v) is the (unknown) velocity distribution in the detector rest-frame, F A (E R ) is a nuclear form factor, A 2 eff = (Z + κ (A − Z)) 2 with κ = f n /f p andThe mass-splitting parameter δ appears in inelastic interactions [4], given by δ ≡ m χ * − m χ , and thus it is positive (negative) for endothermic (exothermic [5]) interactions. For δ = 0 elastic interactions are recovered. σ SI is the total DM-proton scattering cross section at zero momentum transfer, µ χp is the DM-proton reduced mass and ρ χ is the local DM mass density.