3'CS y~ray so urces, whi c h have bee n proposed by th e Pub li c Health Se rvi ce as a s ubs titute for radium in th e treatm e nt of ma lignant di seases, req uire s uitab le calibrati on if co ns is te ncy is to be ac hi e ve d in radiation treatm e nt.Sever al '"'Cs so urces we re ca libra te d usin g a graphite cavi t y ionizat ion cha mb e r in an ope n·ai r geo me try. Th e co ntributi on of scatter from th e room s urfaces was calculated and the so urce meas ureme nts correc ted [or thi s e ffe c t.A large-volum e aluminum-wa lled ioni za tion c hambe r was des igned a nd fabricated [or use in routin e ca libra tions. This c hamber will be used as a mea ns [or in te rco mpariso n of the so urce to be calibrated with one o[ th e sta nd ards.