Welcome to the December issue of Politics & Policy (P&P)!In this final 2023 issue of P&P, we offer a particularly strong lineup of articles. They cover machine learning techniques and policy agenda trade-offs (Sohn, 2023), comparative analysis of policy responses to the pandemic (Kasseeah & Opp, 2023), education for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh (Prodip, 2023), environmental policies and outcomes in 37 countries (Duit et al., 2023), minority faith and environmental justice (Al-Kohlani et al., 2023), as well as religious lobbying and policy influence regarding attitudes toward same-sex marriage (Gover, 2023). In addition, Dzhurova (2023) unpacks Agamben's notion of homo sacer to show how it facilitates interpretations of the "alien" metaphor as it applies to the ultimately failed 2001 US DREAM Act. Al Aloosy's (2023) contribution discusses the ideological disunity and converging interests of Iraq's political elites and the impact these have had on recent elections and political legitimacy in Iraq. Joo et al. ( 2023) explore the divergence of emissions trading schemes (ETSs) in South Korea and the European Union. And finally, Hiroi and Schober (2023) analyze the links between corruption, patronage, and avertable child deaths in developing countries.We hope you enjoy these excellent articles and, as always, encourage your future submissions to P&P.