Abstract. Chotimah HENC, Muliansyah, Widyawati W, Pitrama, Suparto H. 2022. Species, nutritional value, and elemental content of Stenochlaena distributed in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 5367-5372. Stenochlaena J. Smith is belonging to the family of Blechnaceae, consisting of only seven species and widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. In Central Kalimantan Indonesia, Stenochlaena is also widely distributed and abundant in this province. The paper will deliver the diversity of species, and chemical composition value of Stenochlaena in Central Kalimantan. The method used was a survey conducted in the tree district of Central Kalimantan namely Barito Selatan, Kapuas, and Palangka Raya. The key to species determination used was a paper published by Chamber (2013). Chemical composition was measured by proximate analysis while elemental content was established by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. This is the first report on the proximate and element components of some Stenochlaena species, other than Stenochlaena palustris. The results showed that there were four species of Stenochlaena found in Central Kalimantan, namely Stenochlaena palustris, Stenochlaena tenuifolia, Stenochlaena milnei and Stenochlaena cumingi. Stenochlaena palustris had the greatest moisture and proteins while S. cumingii had the highest content of ash. The biggest content of lipids was owned by S. milnei meanwhile S. tenuifolia had the most content of fiber. Stenochlaena palustris also had the highest N, P, K, Mg meantime, the highest Ca and Fe were in S. cumingii and S. milnei, respectively.