Mutation of Glu42 to Ala in the B subunit of DNA gyrase abolishes ATP hydrolysis but not nucleotide binding. Gyrase complexes that contain one wild-type and one Ala 42 mutant B protein were formed, and the ability of such complexes to hydrolyze ATP was investigated. We found that ATP hydrolysis was able to proceed independently only in the wild-type subunit, albeit at a lower rate. With only one ATP molecule hydrolyzed at a time, gyrase could still perform supercoiling, but the limit of this reaction was lower than that observed when both subunits can hydrolyze the nucleotide.The three-dimensional structure of DNA plays a key role in many biological processes. Reactions such as replication, transcription, or recombination not only are regulated by but also have a profound effect on the topology of the DNA molecule. The enzymes responsible for maintaining the topological state of DNA are DNA topoisomerases. One such enzyme is DNA gyrase, a bacterial topoisomerase that introduces negative supercoils into DNA in a reaction coupled to ATP hydrolysis. The action of gyrase involves the creation of a double-stranded break in one DNA segment and the passage of another segment through this enzyme-stabilized DNA gate.The ability of gyrase to negatively supercoil DNA is unique among topoisomerases and is based on its mode of DNA binding (1, 2). Gyrase wraps DNA in a right-handed manner (1), resulting in the positioning of two segments of DNA in the right orientation for supercoiling. Binding of ATP closes a protein clamp that traps the DNA segment to be transported. The nucleotide is then hydrolyzed, and the free energy is coupled to the supercoiling reaction. After hydrolysis, the enzyme is reset for another round of supercoiling. The limit of supercoiling is believed to be thermodynamic rather than steric, because gyrase can supercoil very small DNA circles, whereas a nucleotide analog (ATP␣S) 1 with higher free energy of hydrolysis than ATP is capable of taking the limit of the supercoiling reaction to higher negative superhelical density (3,4).Gyrase is a heterotetramer in which two A (GyrA, 97 kDa) and two B (GyrB, 90 kDa) subunits constitute an A 2 B 2 complex (5). There is one ATP-binding site per GyrB, which is situated in the 43-kDa N-terminal domain of the protein. The structure of this domain complexed with the ATP analog 5Ј-adenylyl-,␥-imidodiphosphate (ADPNP) was solved by x-ray crystallography and was found to be a dimer (6). Study of the ATPase reaction of this domain revealed that dimerization is an essential step for ATP hydrolysis (7). It is very likely that dimerization of the 43-kDa domain also occurs in the ATPase reaction of intact gyrase (8). The rate of ATP hydrolysis by gyrase is stimulated by the presence of DNA (9), and the kinetics of hydrolysis show positive cooperativity between the two ATPbinding sites (10 -12).A number of issues concerning the mechanism of ATP hydrolysis are still unclear. These include the mechanism of cooperativity between the two sites and the coupling of the free ener...