France 5, Quai Marcel Dassault -BP 76 921 52 Suresnes -France Phone: (33) 1 46 97 32 84 E-maii: {guillaume. drieux, francois.guillaume, nicolas.chevassus] @ 1: Soils, Solids, Structures hboratotyIntegrated Design Project, UMR CNRS 5521, INPG, Domaine Universitaire, BP 53X Grenoble 38041 Cedex 9 France Phone : (33) 4 76 82 51 2 7 / 2 9
AbstractIn order to better integrate Downstream Applicationslike simulation or Virtual Reality based applicationswithin design cycles, geometric data exrractedfrom the Digital Mock-up need to be prepared and adapted to the needs and the constraints of these applications. In this puper we propose to formalize the preparation process from the Digital Mock-up to an Adapted Database (AD). These processes allow not only transforming geometric data, but also creating U link berween the initiul datu and the AD. The current computer implementation shows how this processes can be described and saved, in order to automate and capitalize processes. reduce preparation time, and finally enhance downstream applications integration within design.