Understanding the rheology of immiscible liquids mixtures, as well as the role played by its micro-structures are important criteria for the production of new materials and processes in industry. Here, we study changes over time of the droplet size distributions of emulsions induced by slow shearing flows. We observe that the initial heterogeneous microstructure may evolve toward more complex structures (such as bimodal distribution) as a result of coalescence and rupture of droplets. These dynamic structures were produced using a flow cell made up of two parallel disks, separated by a gap of 100 µm. The steady rotation of the lower disk generates a simple shear flow of 2 of 15 r rates. Despite the possible relevance of the latter, here, we address f the emulsion at low shear rates and in the relevance to the rheology responds to the low, dimensionless time evolutions induced by slow ork.lished on the effects of the history of the shear rate (e.g., on the rop, or coalescence of quasi-equal size drops). The pioneering work t deformation of a single drop establishes experimentally that two etermine the drop deformation under a linear flow: the capillary rger capillary numbers induce larger drop deformations, and viscous r capillary number in order to deform significantly. n by Equation (1)e viscosity of the fluid matrix, the radius of the drop, the applied ion coefficient between phases, respectively. he two phases is given by Equation (2)perse fluid, and η m is the viscosity of the continuum fluid or matrix. nder flow (besides deformation of drops), other phenomena can alescence of drops [4], break up of drops [6], or capture of a rather larger drop [14]. When applying a larger shear rate to the emulsion, ed and are frequently the main source of the observed dynamical drops; although, each phenomenon depends most likely on different flows, coalescence of small, equal-sized drops is observed, and the rates of deformation, especially with low viscosity fluids. Research tions under shearing flows, even beyond a critical drop size (up droplets), are given in [15][16][17]. The growth of drops through the droplets-by a mechanism that appears to resemble an Oswald produced but requires a rather broad size distribution, including ing distributions of particles induced by flow have been observed as phenomena is less well documented. Here, we attempt to describe a low-shear-flow phenomena, which generally modifies the observed r complex and nonlinear manner.nism occurs mainly in the weakest of flows. During this process, end enough time in close proximity. Thus, a dimensionless time, τ, quired for a high probability of coalescence (or its efficiency) can betion of imposed flow of the experiment, while the shear rate,.γ, ions of drops of a given size. Please note that it is customary to ation measure, but here, we prefer to associate the inverse of this cy or efficiency of coalescence. Dimensionless deformation measures = 0.75 s −1 , during ∼ 400 s. After a brief rest time, this procedure was repeated by applying ...