Let (A, m) be a complete intersection ring of dimension d and let I be an m-primary ideal. Let M be a maximal Cohen-Macaulay A-module. For i = 0, 1, · · · , d, let e I i (M ) denote the i th Hilbert -coefficient of M with respect to I. We prove that for i = 0, 1, 2, the function j → e I i (Syz A j (M )) is of quasipolynomial type with period 2. Let G I (M ) be the associated graded module of M with respect to I. If G I (A) is Cohen-Macaulay and dim A ≤ 2 we also prove that the functions j → depth G I (Syz A 2j+i (M )) are eventually constant for i = 0, 1. Let ξ I (M ) = lim l→∞ depth G I l (M ). Finally we prove that if dim A = 2 and G I (A) is Cohen-Macaulay then the functions j → ξ I (Syz A 2j+i (M )) are eventually constant for i = 0, 1.