Cement is the world’s most
widely consumed man-made material
and it contributes between 5% and 10% of the total annual anthropogenic
CO2 emissions. Here, we report on a new method for producing
crystalline calcium silicate hydrate (CCSH) phases with low lifecycle
carbon emissions. The materials were made by curing silicate feedstocks,
principally pseudowollastonite (CaSiO3), under elevated
partial pressures of CO2 in buffered aqueous solutions.
CCSH mortars cured for 7 days achieved compressive strength of 13.9
MPa, which is comparable to the 28-day strength of Type-S ordinary
Portland cement mortars. Bromine diffusivity tests, used as an indicator
of durability of the materials, show that CCSH mortars have significantly
lower diffusivity than ordinary Portland cement. The resistance to
dissolution at low pH of the materials was measured using acid exposure
tests and found that CCSH mortar lost only 3.1% of its mass compared
to 12.1% in OPC. Total carbon measurements showed that these materials
can sequester between 169 and 338 g of CO2 per kg of cement,
as opposed to ordinary Portland cement, which emits nearly 1000 g
of CO2 per kg, indicating this calcium silicate carbonation
process could be enabling chemistry for all-new low-carbon and high-performance
infrastructure materials.