Purpose We report a case that involved immediate postoperative respiratory failure necessitating tracheal intubation, which was possibly related to recurarization after sugammadex reversal. Clinical findings A 54-yr-old woman weighing 115-kg was scheduled for laparoscopic repair of abdominal dehiscence under general anesthesia. Muscle relaxation was induced and maintained with rocuronium (170 mg iv total dose). At the end of the 170-min procedure, two twitches were visualized after supramaximal train-of-four (TOF) stimulation at the adductor pollicis muscle, and the patient's central core temperature was 35.6°C. Sugammadex 200 mg iv (1.74 mgÁkg -1 ) was administered. With the patient fully awake, a TOF ratio 0.9 was obtained five minutes later. The tracheal tube was then removed, and the patient was transferred to the postanesthesia care unit. Ten minutes later, the patient presented respiratory failure necessitating tracheal intubation and sedation with propofol. One TOF response only was visualized at the adductor pollicis muscle. Another dose of sugammadex 200 mg iv was administered. Forty-five minutes later, the patient was fully awake and her trachea was extubated after repeated measures of the TOF ratio (C 0.9) at the adductor pollicis muscle. The patient fully recovered without sequelae, further complication, or prolonged hospital stay. Conclusion Shortly after tracheal extubation, an obese patient experienced respiratory failure necessitating tracheal intubation and an additional dose of sugammadex. This occurred despite initial reversal of neuromuscular blockade with an appropriate dose of sugammadex 2 mgÁkg -1 iv given at two responses to TOF stimulation.
RésuméObjectif Nous de´crivons un cas de de´tresse respiratoire survenu en postope´ratoire imme´diat ne´cessitant l'intubation de la trache´e, possiblement lie´a`une recurarisation apre`s une de´curarisation pharmacologique avec du sugammadex. É léments cliniques Une femme de 54 ans, pesant 115 kg, e´tait programme´e pour le traitement chirurgical d'une e´ventration de la paroi abdominale par laparoscopie sous anesthe´sie ge´ne´rale. La curarisation e´tait induite et entretenue par du rocuronium (dose totale 170 mg iv). A`la fin de l'intervention, durant 170 min, deux re´ponses e´taient visualise´es apre`s une stimulation supra-maximale par un train-de-quatre (Td4) a`l'adducteur du pouce, et la tempe´rature centrale e´tait de 35,6°C. Une dose de 200 mg iv de sugammadex (1,74 mgÁkg -1 ) a e´te´administre´e pour la de´curarisation pharmacologique. Un rapport de Td4 a`0,9 al 'adducteur du pouce e´tait obtenu cinq minutes plus tard permettant le retrait de la sonde d'intubation et le transfert en salle de re´veil, la patiente re´pondant aux ordres simples. Dix minutes plus tard, elle pre´sentait une de´tresse respiratoire ne´cessitant l'intubation de la trache´e et une se´dation au propofol. Une seule re´ponse e´tait visualise´e au Td4 a`l'adducteur du pouce. Une dose supple´mentaire de 200 mg iv de sugammadex a e´te´administre´e. Quarante-cinq