The stochastic structure of time-varying betas from 15 companies in the UK is investigated. Time-varying betas are estimated by means of the bivariate MA-GARCH model. The stochastic structure is investigated by means of two fractional integration tests, the Geweke and Porter-Hudak and the Robinson tests, and a structural-breakoriented unit root test. Results show that time-varying betas are mean-reverting but only few have a long memory and thus are meanreverting at a slow rate. This result is further backed by the structural break unit root test. These results contradict earlier studies, which fail to ¢nd a stationary beta. Stationary betas may imply that stock returns may be forecast in the long run.
" IntroductionThe standard empirical testing of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) assumes that the beta of a risky asset or portfolio is constant (Bos and Newbold, 1984). Fabozzi and Francis (1978) suggest that a stock's beta coe¤cient may move randomly through time rather than remain constant. According to Bos and Newbold (1984) the variation in a stock's beta may be due to the in£uence of either microeconomics factors, such as operational changes in the company or changes in the business environment peculiar to the company, and/or macroeconomics factors, such as the rate of in£ation, general business conditions and expectations about relevant future events. 1 Ohlson (1976), Fabozzi andFrancis (1978) and Bos and Newbold (1984) provide evidence that security betas not only are time-varying but can also be better described by some form of stochastic model. Fabozzi and Francis (1978) and Bollerslev et al. (1988) provide tests of the CAPM that imply time-varying betas.The concept of the time-varying beta has induced interest in the stochastic structure of the beta (Lin et al., 1992). According to Lin et al. (1992, p. 538) stationarity of a stock's beta has important implications for the measures of capital asset pricing and performance, the e¤cient