This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical model for analysis of the geometries of conical, hyperboloidal, and ellipsoidal drills. The proposed method includes three particular features. The first is that a rotational disk-type abrasive wheel is modeled by revolution geometry, thus allowing for the normal and tangent vectors of an abrasive wheel to be obtained explicitly. Consequently, the tangent and normal vectors along the cutting edges and chisel edges of the produced drill can be obtained. The second feature is the ability of the model to determine and express drill geometries and characteristics (semi-point angle, tool cutting edge inclination, chisel angle, normal rake angle and normal clearance angle) according to all current international standards. Thirdly, the drill's working geometries are investigated by taking the effect of feed motion into consideration. We found that cutting edge geometry can be studied without significant error even though we neglect the effect of feed. The chisel edge working geometry shows greater variation than tool geometry. Consequently, the effect of feed must be taken into consideration when studying chisel edge action during drilling operation.Keywords Drill point geometry · Multi-flute drill
Nomenclature list(xyz) 0 Coordinate frame (xyz) 0 built in drill (xyz) t Coordinate frame (xyz) t built in grinding wheel 0 A t,i , 0 Λ t,i The configuration matrices of frame (xyz) t with respect to drill frame (xyz) 0 when the grinding wheel