Numerical study of dynamic relaxation with kinetic damping applied to inflatable fabric structures with extensions for 3D solid element and non-linear behavior. Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 2011, 49 (11) This work mainly deals with the numerical study of inflatable fabric structures. As implicit integration schemes can lead to numerical difficulties such as singular stiffness matrices, explicit schemes are preferred. Since the final objective of this study is to obtain the final shape of a structure, a dynamic relaxation (DR) method is used. These methods allow us to obtain the final and stable shape of the inflatable fabric structures without doing so many time increments, which is the case when using a classical explicit integration method. Han and Lee [5] proposed an extension of the DR method stated by Barnes [13] suitable for triangular elements and elastic behavior. There are two main contributions in this paper. Firstly, we propose a modification of Han and Lee's method, allowing it to be used with any kind of membrane or solid finite elements and any reversible behavior. Secondly, we propose to rewrite the expression initially introduced by Barnes. Furthermore, these proposals are adapted for incremental loadings, allowing this way to obtain the pseudo-equilibriums of the intermediate phases.Numerical examples from academic problems (rectangular and circular membranes) show the efficiency and the reliability of proposed methods, with linear elasticity behavior, and also with a non-linear incremental behavior and finite deformation states.