Dilatancy is a well documented process in intact, healed or overconsolidated rocks: due to shear deformation, microcavities (cracks, grain junctions) open, which induces an overall increase in porosity (Paterson & Wong, 2005, Section 5.3). In fluid saturated rocks, this increase in porosity has the potential to induce fluid pressure drops if the dilatant region is insufficiently drained, producing an increase in effective stress and thus strengthening the material. This phenomenon is called dilatancy hardening.The importance of dilatancy hardening in fault mechanics has long been recognised in laboratory experiments and in theoretical rupture models. One of the first experimental evidence of dilatancy hardening in crustal rocks was obtained by Brace and Martin (1968) in diabase and granite, who showed that failure strength was increasing with increasing deformation rate as the deformation conditions became more undrained. Similar observations have been made on a range of low-porosity rocks (e.g., Chiu et al., 1983;Duda & Renner, 2013;Rutter, 1972). Martin (1980) further demonstrated that rock failure could be stabilized due to dilatancy, by considerably slowing down the deformation leading to strain localisation and fault slip. New laboratory results by Aben and Brantut (2021) have confirmed the direct stabilization of ruptures due to shear-induced dilation. Such work was focused on initially intact rock, where dilatancy is occurring in the bulk as well as within the incipient fault zone. In preexisting fault zones, dilatancy can be due to overriding asperities (along bare rock surfaces) and granular rearrangements (if gouge layers are present), leading to net fault zone opening during slip. Such behavior has been thoroughly documented in artificial fault gouges, for which dilatancy can be related to frictional state evolution (e.g.,