A vorticity surge event that could be a paradigm for a wide class of bursting events in turbulence is studied to examine the role it plays in how the energy cascade is established. The identification of a new coherent mechanism is suggested by the discovery of locally transverse vortex configurations that are intrinsically helical. These appear simultaneously with strong, transient oscillations in the helicity wavenumber co-spectrum. At no time are non-helical, anti-parallel vorticity elements observed. The new mechanism complements the traditional expectation that the development of a peak of the maximum vorticity ω ∞(t) would be connected to nearly simultaneous growth of the dissipation, eventually leading to the formation of the energy cascade with signatures such as spectra approaching -5/3 and strongly Beltramized vortex tubes. Comparing how different large-eddy simulations treat the spectral transport of helicity demonstrates that the dynamics leading to the helical vortex configurations requires both nonlinear transport and dissipation. This finding emphasizes the importance of properly modeling both nonlinear transport and dissipation in large-eddy simulations. Although three-dimensional turbulence is characterized by intermittent events both in space and time, it is often envisaged as a homogeneous, statistically-steady tangle of vortex tubes accompanied by a steady transfer of energy through the spectrum to high wavenumbers and a k −5/3 energy spectrum. This statistically-steady description has been used to verify turbulence models through simulations of forced turbulence and decaying homogeneous, isotropic turbulence [1,2]. In these studies, it is sometimes argued that the initial nonequilibrium transients can be ignored as being non-universal. However, each intermittent burst of turbulence is itself a transient dynamical process involving individual vortex interactions whose ensemble average is responsible for the overall statistical properties. Our objective is to apply a coordinated set of diagnostics in both physical and wavenumber space for numerically detecting individual vortex surge events and their effects upon the subsequent dynamics.The numerical investigation of the decay of turbulence discussed here is designed to improve our understanding of individual intermittent events and continues a long tradition in numerical modeling of the initial value problems in computational fluid dynamics. Numerically, the question of transient phenomena in turbulence has been considered previously using a variety of initial conditions [3][4][5][6][7]. In this letter the evolution from smooth, random, initial conditions introduced in [5] to steady turbulent decay is considered using this coordinated set of diagnostics. These diagnostics show that this initial value problem for turbulence evolves through several complex states in a sequence of transitions. These include:• formation of vortex sheets that interact, encounter each other transversely and then begin to roll up into vortex tubes, • development of a...