Particle acceleration by electrostatic polarization fields that arise in plasmas streaming across magnetic fields is discussed as a possible acceleration mechanism of highest-energy ( > ∼ 10 20 eV) cosmic rays. Specifically, plasmoids arising in planetoid impacts onto neutron star magnetospheres are considered. We find that such impacts at plausible rates may account for the observed flux and energy spectrum of the highest energy cosmic rays.The origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), with energies up to and exceeding 10 20 eV [1-3], remains unknown: the commonly invoked diffusive first-order Fermi acceleration of cosmic rays in a supernova shock [4][5][6][7], can accelerate particles to at most ∼ 10 15 −10 16 eV [8]. While additional acceleration to energies ∼ 100 times higher by the electric field in a pulsar-driven supernova remnant has been proposed [9], these energies are still much below the highest observed energies. Other models invoke Fermi acceleration associated with cosmological gamma ray burst sources [10] and a decay of supermassive X particles of grand unified field theories [11]. In this Letter we consider a different acceleration mechanism, based on charge polarization arising in plasmoids impacting neutron star magnetospheres.It is well known [12,13] that an electrostatic field arises in bounded plasmas moving across the magnetic field at sub-Alfvénic velocities. The reason for this is plasma polarization caused by opposing gravitational and polarization drifts of electrons and ions that lead to the appearance of net charge near the plasma boundary. If the plasma density ρ is so high that the transverse susceptibility χ ⊥ ≡ 4πρc 2 /B 2 1, then the electrostatic field −∇Φ = −V × B/c where V is plasma flow velocity and B is the magnetic field; the potential drop across the plasmoid of width h in the cross-field direction (denoted by ⊥) is 2Φ 0 = hV ⊥ B/c (Fig. 1).Outside the plasmoid, the stray electrostatic field has a large component parallel to the magnetic field which causes particle acceleration along the field lines. This phenomenon has been observed in numerical simulations [14][15][16] which showed that charge layers can accelerate particles to relativistic energies even for relatively slow (sub-Alfvénic) plasma flows; the accelerated particle energy E is ∼ qΦ 0 , where q is the particle charge. This estimate for E derives from the fact that the electrostatic field is dipole-like outside the plasma, giving rise to the potential drop on the order of Φ 0 along B [15].The process of particle acceleration is transient: The energetic particle outflow from boundary layers of the plasmoid gives rise to plasma current; the resulting force decelerates the plasmoid cross-field motion (see below).As an example, consider a plasmoid with h ∼ 10 km infalling at the the free-fall velocity onto the surface of a canonical neutron star of mass M * = 1.4M , radius R * = 10 km and surface magnetic field B * = 5 × 10
12G [17]. The accelerating potential Φ 0 ∼ 10 21 V is then sufficient to accelerate...