Surprisingly little is known about long-term spending patterns in the under-65 population. Such information could inform efforts to improve coverage and control costs. Using the MarketScan claims database, we characterize the persistence of healthcare spending in the privately-insured, under-65 population. Over a six-year period, 69.8% of enrollees never had annual spending in the top 10% of the distribution and the bottom 50% of spenders accounted for less than 10% of spending. Those in the top 10% in 2003 were almost as likely (34.4%) to be in the top 10% five years later as one year later (43.4%). Many comorbid conditions retained much of their predictive power even five years later. The persistence at both ends of the spending distribution indicates the potential for adverse selection and cream-skimming and supports the use of disease-management, particularly for those with the conditions that remained strong predictors of high spending throughout the follow-up period.