Single molecule confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to perform photoluminescence spectroscopy on single, isolated molecules of the conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy,5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-p-phenylene-vinylene] (MEH-PPV). We show that the fluorescence from single chains of this electroluminescent polymer depends strongly on chain conformation. The time evolution of the spectra, emission intensity, and polarization all provide direct evidence that memory of the chain conformation in solution is retained after solvent evaporation. Chains cast from toluene solution are highly folded and show memory of the excitation polarization. Exciton funneling to highly aggregated low energy regions causes the chain to mimic the photophysical behavior of a single chromophore. Chains cast from chloroform, however, behave as multichromophore systems, and no sudden discrete spectral or intensity jumps are observed. These also exhibit different spectroscopy from the folded chromophores. R ecent advances in instrumentation have allowed the detection and manipulation of single molecules at room temperature (for recent reviews see, e.g., ref. 1). These techniques have led to the observation of physical effects and properties of individual molecules that could not be probed by previous ensemble-averaging studies. For example, measurements of inter-and intramolecular binding forces and elastic moduli of biological macromolecules by magnetic beads (2, 3), atomic force microscopy (4), hydrodynamic flow (5), or optical tweezers (6) have provided significant insight to the mechanical properties of DNA and proteins. Single molecule fluorescence detection has seen particular interest, because the fluorescence labeling of DNA, RNA, enzymes, and proteins allows for dynamic studies of macromolecular interactions and function, such as complexation (7). The optical visualization of these molecules, however, requires specific labeling with fluorescent dyes or the use of intercalating dyes.Single molecule studies of intrinsically fluorescent macromolecules, such as photosynthetic light harvesting complexes (8) or the green fluorescent protein (9), have exhibited interesting quantum effects. Protein molecules with several chromophores, for example, were shown to behave as a single quantum system (10). The close packing of chromophores in such proteins leads to strong interchromophore interaction that gives rise to cooperative effects such as intermittent fluorescence (11, 12) and photon-antibunching (10). Single molecule fluorescence studies of green fluorescent protein revealed similar intermittent fluorescence (9).Most remarkably, intermittent fluorescence together with the observation of discrete emission levels was also reported for single molecules of conjugated polymers estimated to consist of over 1000 chromophores (13). Another surprising result is the recent observation of efficient photoluminescence quenching of polymer chains by extremely low amounts of cationic electron acceptors (14), which provides a unique bio-probe scheme with high ...