A case of bilateral transient ischaemic blindness (amaurosis) due to ischaemic changes in the retina, the optic nerve and chiasrna caused by severe cerebral arterial spasms after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) originating from a ruptured saccular aneurysm (from the anterior cerebral artery) is presented. To our knowledge this pathogenesis for transient blindness has never been described before.Kqi wurds: intracranial aneurysms -subarachnoid haemorrhage -retinal ischaemia -bilateral transient blindness -papilloederna -spasms of cerebral arteries.
CaseA previously healthy 37-year-old woman was admitted to the neurosurgical department with photophobia, nausea and votting after an acute-onset headache in both temporal regions 6 days earlier.
Objective findingsA conscious young woman in pain with bloodpressure 220/110 mmHg, pulse rate 76 per min, temperature 37°C and stiffness of the neck. No palsies of the cranial