A critical step in
the mechanism of N2 reduction to
2NH3 catalyzed by the enzyme nitrogenase is the reaction
of the four-electron/four-proton reduced intermediate state of the
active-site FeMo-cofactor (E4(4H)). This state is a junction
in the catalytic mechanism, either relaxing by the reaction of a metal
bound Fe-hydride with a proton forming H2 or going forward
with N2 binding coupled to the reductive elimination (re) of two Fe-hydrides as H2 to form the E4(2N2H) state. E4(2N2H) can relax to E4(4H) by the oxidative addition (oa) of H2 and release of N2 or can be further reduced in a series
of catalytic steps to release 2NH3. If the H2
re/oa mechanism is correct, it
requires that oa of H2 be associative
with E4(2N2H). In this report, we have taken advantage
of CdS quantum dots in complex with MoFe protein to achieve photodriven
electron delivery in the frozen state, with cryo-annealing in the
dark, to reveal details of the E-state species and to test the stability
of E4(2N2H). Illumination of frozen CdS:MoFe protein complexes
led to formation of a population of reduced intermediates. Electron
paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy identified E-state signals including
E2 and E4(2N2H), as well as signals suggesting
the formation of E6 or E8. It is shown that
in the frozen state when pN2 is much greater than pH2, the E4(2N2H) state is kinetically stable, with
very limited forward or reverse reaction rates. These results establish
that the oa of H2 to the E4(2N2H) state follows an associative reaction mechanism.