45enuresis and anxiety, resorting to attention getting mechanisms. Factor three poi& to a very jealous child with a broken home background. Factor four suggeats a phobic child with marked fears and fantasy as opposed to a very aggressive child.Factor five, possibly suggests a child at ages 13 to 16 with sex behavior difliculty, whereaa factor six may be pointing to a markedly negativistic child, at ages 9 to 12, whoee difliculties would mainly show in home behavior. These, so far, are tentativeThe results, however, support the hypotheais that problem behavior symptoms tend to cluster in various patterns, suggesting possible diagnostic categories for disturbed children. This study also reveals the very important contribution of physical handicap and low intelligence to the emotional problem of the child. These two factors, so often ignored in the treatment of problem children in psychoanalytic+ ally oriented centers, accounted for 43 and 28% of all cases, respectively. htelpretlatiOnS. RXFERENCES 1. ACEENEACH T. M. The claseification of children's psychiatric symptom: a factor analytic 2. AMIURICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. Diagno&ie and Sfati&ieol Manual of McnkJ Dimdata. 3. B~N E I T , I. Delinquent and Ncurdic Children. New York: Basic Books, 1960. 4. DEEOIPR, R. M., LEWIS, P. M., RICE, T. A., MILL~E, K. S., b, M. P., O V E~L~D B D. C., P d . , 1964, 5. H~WITT, L. E. and JENKINS, R. L. F u n d a m PaUmvu of Mdadjuutment: The W m k d of e.tudy. P d . Mmrog., 1966,615. Washbgbn: APA, 1968. TAIIEL, C. and FLEYYINQ, E. L. Behavioral c h i h t i o n project. J . Theiroriqm. Springfield, Ill.: State of Illinois, 1946. M, 1-13.
PROBLEMThis study investigated whether psychiatric patients with presenting physical head complaints are symptomatically distinguiehable from patients without such presenting complaints, and whether differentiating symptoms occur in identifiable syndromes. Clinical inferences conceptualizing the head as the locus of the self (I*), intellectual control over impulse^(^), psychophysiological body changes". 6), or symbolic sexuality('* *-'a-11) are baaed on a presumption that head complaints are uniquely ditrerentiating in meaningful ways.
METHODSubjects. SS were 324 male psychiatric patients hospitalized at the Denver VA Hospital. This sample included approximately every eighth admission and ie believed to be representative of the hospitalized veteran male psychiatric population with regard to age, diagnoses, and previous historia of hospitalization.Procedure. At admission, each S was individually interviewed to identify and delineate the major self-reported presenting problem-symptom-complaints. Within two weeks of admission, each S was individually administered 150 items of the Psychological Problem Inventory (PPI), a checklist derived from the verbatim p '~