Aims. We analyze the behavior of the argument of pericenter ω 2 of an outer particle in the elliptical restricted three-body problem, focusing on the ω 2 resonance or inverse Lidov-Kozai resonance. Methods. First, we calculate the contribution of the terms of quadrupole, octupole, and hexadecapolar order of the secular approximation of the potential to the outer particle's ω 2 precession rate (dω 2 /dτ). Then, we derive analytical criteria that determine the vanishing of the ω 2 quadrupole precession rate (dω 2 /dτ) quad for different values of the inner perturber's eccentricity e 1 . Finally, we use such analytical considerations and describe the behavior of ω 2 of outer particles extracted from N-body simulations developed in a previous work. Results. Our analytical study indicates that the values of the inclination i 2 and the ascending node longitude Ω 2 associated with the outer particle that vanish (dω 2 /dτ) quad strongly depend on the eccentricity e 1 of the inner perturber. In fact, if e 1 < 0.25 (> 0.40825), (dω 2 /dτ) quad is only vanished for particles whose Ω 2 circulates (librates). For e 1 between 0.25 and 0.40825, (dω 2 /dτ) quad can be vanished for any particle for a suitable selection of pairs (Ω 2 , i 2 ). Our analysis of the N-body simulations shows that the inverse Lidov-Kozai resonance is possible for small, moderate and high values of e 1 . Moreover, such a resonance produces distinctive features in the evolution of a particle in the (Ω 2 , i 2 ) plane. In fact, if ω 2 librates and Ω 2 circulates, the extremes of i 2 at Ω 2 = 90 • and 270 • do not reach the same value, while if ω 2 and Ω 2 librate, the evolutionary trajectory of the particle in the (Ω 2 , i 2 ) plane evidences an asymmetry respect to i 2 = 90 • . The evolution of ω 2 associated with the outer particles of the N-body simulations can be very well explained by the analytical criteria derived in our investigation.