The authors are most grateful for the wonderful feedback received on earlier versions of this chapter from Nuno Ferreira and Dora Kostakopoulou. 1 For example, in the effort to address consumer, labour, anti-discrimination, and business law matters. 2 For example, in the effort to liberalise markets, such as telecommunication, postal services, energy, transport, and health care. 3 This chapter only deals with substantive private law. It does not consider rules of civil procedure. 4 We define 'health care' herein the same way as it is defined in Article 3(a) of the EU's Patient's Rights Directive: as 'health service provided by health professionals to patients to assess, maintain or restore their state of health, including the prescription, dispensation and provision of medical products and medical devices'. 5 O Cherednychenko, 'Fundamental Rights, European Private Law, and Financial Services' in H-W Micklitz (ed) The Constitutionalization of European Private Law (Oxford University Press, 2014) 171.