Problem statement: Serious health problems and other economic costs related to water treatment, remediation and locating a new water supply, become an evidence of water pollution caused by human activities. The main problems of the Danube River basin are associated with nutrients, organic pollution and hazardous pollutants. The aim of the study is to assess the surface water of the Danube in Budapest for sustainability of human and environment health. The relation between O 2 and Chl-a content of the samples, clearly shows that the cause of high dissolved O 2 content in the water lies in accelerated primary production. Enumerations of both total and fecal Coliforms are continuously growing during the investigation periods. These results suggested that bacteriological properties can be a specific indicator of fecal contamination and organic pollution. With large numbers of new chemical substances entering the river ecosystem, continuous monitoring systems for their detection will become increasingly important with respect to environmental effects they produce, in addition to other toxic effects. The challenges to continuous physical, chemical, biological and bacteriological monitoring will be immense.