We investigate the transitions between energy levels and parity symmetry in an effective two-level polar molecule system strongly coupled with a quantized harmonic oscillator. By the dressed-state perturbation theory, the transition diagrams between the dressed-state energy levels are presented clearly and show that the odd (even) parity symmetry is broken by the permanent dipole moment (PDM) of the polar molecules. By the analytical and numerical methods, we find that when the coupling strength and the PDM increase, the more frequency components are induced by the counter-rotating terms and PDM.OCIS codes: 020.5580, 140.3945, 270.0270. doi: 10.3788/COL201715.050202.As one of the simplest models that deals with the matterlight interaction, an effective two-level quantum system can be coupled with a quantized harmonic oscillator. This ubiquitous model is applied to a great variety of physical systems, ranging from quantum optics to quantum information, such as circuit and cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) [1][2][3][4][5][6] . One of the most well-known is the quantum Rabi model [7,8] , which can be reduced to solvable dynamics called the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model [9,10] in the rotating wave approximation (RWA), where the counterrotating terms (CRTs) are ignored [11] . The RWA is valid when the coupling strength λ between the two-level system and the cavity field is far smaller than the cavity field frequency ω c and the transition frequency ω 0 of the twolevel system [12] . The JC model possesses a continuous U ð1Þ symmetry, however, which is broken down to Z 2 (the Abelian group) in the Rabi model due to the presence of the CRT [13] . This Z 2 symmetry, usually called parity, generates the linear combinations of quantum states such that they are either an even or an odd parity [13] , the eigenvalues of whose operator are AE1. The parity symmetry of the model is useful for understanding how its dynamics evolve inside the Hilbert space [14] . In the Rabi model of the cavity QED, the quantum states of the system can be split into two unconnected subspaces or parity chains. Neighboring states within each parity chain can be connected via the CRT [or rotating terms (RTs)] [15] . However, this parity symmetry can be broken, such as the local bias fields [16] or the Ising interaction [17] . Recent progresses draw the extensive attention to the ultrastrong-coupling (USC) regime in the superconducting circuit cavity QED with the normalized coupling strength λ∕ω c reaching 0.1 [18,19] , where the CRT of the interaction is no longer ignored and induces the BlochSiegert (B-S) shift, and the population dynamics no longer show strictly periodic Rabi oscillation, but complicated chaotic behavior instead [20][21][22] . Moreover, in the strongcoupling regime, we have demonstrated that the permanent dipole moment (PDM) term comparable with the CRT cannot be neglected in the molecule-cavity coupling system [23] . In the USC regime, the parity symmetry shows the advantage in the aspect of the generation and reconstruction of ar...