Th e search for strategies for learning represents a challenge at the educational level. Th e purpose of the study was the practical conjugation for the formative evaluation of learning in university teachers. From the implementation of the graduate program referred to the international diploma course "scientifi c creativity and technological innovation" that was developed at the National University "San Luis Gonzaga" of Ica, Peru, a learning scheme was established on 6 indicators: selection variable, research approach, type of scientifi c article oriented, cognitive recognition, methodological structure of interest and interpretation, and contribution criterion. Th ree teachers were randomly selected, and through the quantitative technique by content analysis the level of learning was considered. A score code of 12 to 20 was established, with only the 18 to 20 points being recognized as the level of excellence. When comparing the results among the teachers, there were statistically signifi cant diff erences (p <0.05) where a teacher ranked at the level of excellence when obtaining 18 points. Th e replication of the indicators in other teaching modalities was required to evaluate their possible contribution to the formation of learning in university teachers.