This study explored the effects of transcription on translation products
and processes of adolescent students in grades 4 to 9 with and without
persisting specific language disabilities in written language (SLDs—WL).
To operationalize transcription ability (handwriting and spelling) and
transcription mode (by pen on digital tablet or by standard US keyboard),
diagnostic groups contrasting in patterns of transcription ability were compared
while composing autobiographical (personal) narratives by handwriting or by
keyboarding: Typically developing students (n=15), students with dyslexia
(impaired word reading and spelling, n=20), and students with dysgraphia
(impaired handwriting, n=19). They were compared on seven outcomes: total words
composed, total composing time, words per minute, percent of spelling errors,
average length of pauses, average number of pauses per minute, and average
length of language bursts. They were also compared on automaticity of
transcription modes—writing the alphabet from memory by handwriting or
keyboarding (they could look at keys).
Mixed ANOVAs yielded main effects for diagnostic group on percent of
spelling errors,, words per minute, and length of language burst. Main effects
for transcription modes were found for automaticity of writing modes, total
words composed, words per minute, and length of language bursts; there were no
significant interactions. Regardless of mode, the dyslexia group had more
spelling errors, showed a slower rate of composing, and produced shorter
language bursts than the typical group. The total number of words, total time
composing, words composed per minute, and pauses per minute were greater for
keyboarding than handwriting, but length of language bursts was greater for
handwriting. Implications of these results for conceptual models of composing
and educational assessment practices are discussed.