Academic stress is one of problems experienced by
students including the students of guidance and counseling
major. Academic stress can be led by various reasons as if
parental social support and self-efficacy. This study aimes to
verify the effect of parental social support and self-efficacy of the
academic stress on the guidance and counseling students at "X"
university in Yogyakarta. Besides, the subjects of this study was
all scholar of guidance and counseling study program at "X"
University in Yogyakarta. Following this, the samples of this
study were 100 people. Technique of the sampling used in this
study was cluster random sampling. In addition, the data
collection methods of this study utilized the academic stress
scale, the scale of parental social support and self-efficacy scale
followed by a Likert scaling model. The data analysis of this
study used the multiple linear regression analysis,with
assumption test consisting of normality test, linearity test, and
multicollinearity test. The results of data analysis showed that
the parental social support and self-efficacy could significantly
influence the academic stress of students in the guidance and
counseling study program at "X" university in Yogyakarta.
Partially, there was a very significant influence between social
support from parents and self-efficacy on the academic stress of
guidance and counseling study program students at "X"
university in Yogyakarta. Therefore, the implication of this
research was the importance of parental social support and selfefficacy to control the students’ academic stress.