Recently, serious haze pollution has not only threatened the human health and food security, but also seems to have aggravated the unscientific use of pesticides by rice farmers in rural area of China. Using original data on haze pollution across China, combined with rural household survey data collected from 2014 to 2018, we conducted a detailed empirical study on the effects of haze pollution on pesticide use by rice farmers based on the theory of risk aversion. The empirical results revealed that haze pollution with higher levels of PM2.5 positively impacted the use of chemical pesticides in the rice cultivation. More precisely, with 1% increases in PM2.5 concentration, the amount of pesticide application per mu increased by 7.9%, and the average pesticide fee per mu increased by 2.3%, respectively. The results were robust to a series of tests that addressed potential endogeneity concerns, including omitted variable bias, measurement error and reverse causality. We then examined the heterogeneous effects of haze pollution increase on the use of chemical pesticides and found that the effects of haze pollution on the use of chemical pesticides to be weaker for rice farmer with more rice-planting experience, those with smaller cultivated area of rice, however, the effects on the amount of chemical pesticide application per mu to be weaker for those with rice insurance, but the effects on the average chemical pesticide fee per mu to be stronger for those with rice insurance. Our findings provide important policy implications for pesticide risk management in rural areas of developing countries.