Scutella from ungerminated grains of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Pirkka) take up leucine at a slow rate, which increases rapidly during germination. When endosperms were removed from the gains after imbibition for 4 hours or after germination for 12 or 72 hours, the increase in the rate of leucine uptake was greatly accelerated during subsequent incubation of the embryos or scutella. These increases were rapidly inhibited by cordycepin and cycloheximide, suggesting that protein synthesis, probably synthesis of the carrier protein, was required for the development of the uptake activity.In separated embryos or scutella, the increases in the leucine uptake activity were inhibited by glutamine. The inhibitions caused by glutamine and cycloheximide were not additive, suggesting that glutamine did not interfere with the function of the carrier but repressed its synthesis. Glutamine did not inhibit the simultaneous increase in peptide uptake; in this respect, its effect was specific for leucine uptake, which appears to be due to a general amino acid uptake system. Some other protein amino acids also inhibited the increase in leucine uptake without inhibiting the increase in peptide uptake. However, these effects were smaller than that of glutamine.These results suggest that the transfer of leucine (and other amino acids) from the endosperm to the seedling in a germinating barley grain is regulated at the uptake step by repression of the synthesis of the amino acid carrier protein by glutamine and-possibly to a lesser extent-by some other amino acids taken up from the endosperm.The hydrolysis of reserve proteins in the starchy endosperm of a germinating barley grain results in a mixture of free amino acids and short oligopeptides (7,13,14,20). The amino acids and peptides are taken up into the scutellum by separate transport systems (6,11,(20)(21)(22). We have previously studied some properties of amino acid uptake into the scutellum using leucine as the substrate (24). Leucine is rapidly taken up by an active transport system(s), the rate of uptake being highest near pH 5, the pH of the starchy endosperm (14).The uptake of leucine is slow in scutella separated from ungerminated grains, but increases about 10-fold during the first 3 d ofgermination of whole grains (24). This increase is followed by a lag phase of about 1 d, after which there is another increase.Removal of the embryonic axis has no effect on the initial ' Supported by the Research Council for Natural Sciences of which T. S. is a Research Fellow. The work was also supported by a grant from the Emil Aaltonen foundation to S. N.2 Abbreviations: CHI, cycloheximide; Sar, sarcosine; COR, cordycepin; AIB, a-amino-iso-butyric acid.increase in the rate of uptake (24). On the other hand, removal of the endosperm either after imbibition for 4 h or after germination for 3 d enhances the rate ofthe increase during subsequent incubation. In both cases, the increase is completely prevented by CHI2 and markedly slowed down by glutamine. It was therefore su...